We live in a world where the media tells us the current trends, whats in, whats out, and all you see walking around the streets are people following the hypes, trying to fit in and be socially accepted by others. It creates social norms, and expectations , it impacts peoples values, beliefs and how they see the world. It puts unnecessary pressure on young developing minds to be a certain way, or to be like someone else. When really people should be encouraged to be unique, be different from the crowd, to not fear perception of others and to accept themselves for who they are inside. Its taken me 29 Years and I'm still getting there!
Everybody whether they like to admit it or not takes into consideration other peoples perceptions of them and I will let you in on a little secret, people are worrying about what you think of them too - how crazy right! Like your some sort of scary person judging them. Why do we all fear each others perception. People base someone on first impressions, how they dress, how they present themselves to the world. Wouldn't it be wonderful if people accepted one another based on intellectual conversation, humour, and personality. Why do we all want to be like someone else, when you will never achieve that anyway, because you are you, you are the perfect version of you! Embrace who you are, be yourself, because nobody else can be you!
We all compare ourselves to one another, we put out there those comments like " I would just be happy once I ..." You have heard those comments, you know the ones I am talking about! Those comments where you say - "I would just be happy when I lost a bit more weight", Id just be happy if I was two inches taller" . Everybody wants what everyone else has got! You have curly hair, you want straight hair, you have straight hair you want curly hair. Your pale you want to be tanned, Your tall you want to be shorter, your short you want to be taller. Do you know what , when you get to that point, you find something else, I another "well id just be happy if" , so why live life this way. Why not accept yourself for who you are right NOW in this moment as a person, flaws and all, because guess what Honey, No one is perfect! That girl , yea you know the one, the one you view as "Perfect" she has insecurities too. Ones you don't see, and who knows, she may be viewing you as perfect too.
At the end of the day our bodies are just vessels, carrying around the amazing souls we are on the inside. So let yourself be seen for who you truly are. Your Authentic you.
So as woman we need to stop tearing each other apart, we need to boost one another up. We need to walk around in what we feel comfortable in, we need to embrace those stretch marks and scars - god knows I have a tonne, but they are what I like to call my "proud marks" because they tell a story of me carrying my babies. stop allowing our insecurities to hinder us in life and what we want to do right NOW!
You are perfect, you are bold, you are bright, you are beautiful because you are YOU! So hold your head up high, let your light shine.
Ashleigh Kennedy