* Relax in a Hot Bath with a Bath Bomb and a Good Book , a wine and some chocolate
* Go for a walk along the beach , take in the sights, the sensations, the smells and the sounds- Mindfulness!
* Call a good friend for a long chat
* Go for coffee by yourself - sit and observe life and just take a minute to chill
* Go for a walk, you notice so much more when your not in a hurry and whizzing by in a car.
* Go to the Gym or play a sport, find one that interests you and go for it.
* Have a PJ day watching movies and grazing
* Take yourself to the local markets , indulge in some retail therapy
* Write
* Create a Vision Board
* Set Goals , Give Gratitude , Journal
* Be Childish - do something you loved as a child
* Try new things - go be bold , be brave, be adventurous , Do something new for you
* Go for a Swim
* Go to the Library
* Get OFF Social Media!
* Have a pamper day, Do your hair, do your nails, do your makeup, dress up even if its just for yourself , love the body you are in.
* Face masks
* Burn some incense or Oils , Consult your crystals, Read your tarot cards, express your spirituality if that is your thing. ( Its very much me!)
* Crank the Music UP!
* Dance around the house like no one is watching
* De-clutter, have a clean out , its refreshing
* Bake, Cook what you enjoy eating - those traditional recipes and comfort foods
* Meal Prep lunches for the week, get organised to make your life easier
* Go for a long Drive to nowhere, just get in and go and see where you end up
* Meditate
* Do a craft or a hobby - I scrapbook! My kids - soo many photos!
* Take Photos
* Be Present, Be Real, Be Authentic , Dare to Dream and Make it Happen!
* Sex - yeap you heard me - go get you some!
* Go to the movies alone
* Go shopping
* Go fishing
* Gardening