Just to make this clear - I am in NO WAY a nutritionist or health expert, this is based on my own relationship with food! I wanted to create a space to share some yummy food ideas with you, and to share great recipes I find along the way.
So let me get really Authentic with you here, I am one of these girls who declares - "Right I'm back to healthy eating" for it to normally last a few good weeks, then I might go have a binge at the local Maccas or KFC. So I aint no saint!
Over past 5 years I have lost 20KG from changing my habbits. I cut out a lot of sugar and processed foods and tried to stick to Fruits, Veges, Meat and staples. Maaaaaate! Its hard! Right ! Because its so easy to put on weight and so hard to lose it. I've learned to accept that my big girl cellulite thighs, they aint going nowhere! Especially after having children! However during this time I did not deprive myself of anything, If i wanted chocolate, I had it, If i wanted that cheeseburger , I had it. Because I knew if i said to myself "No you cant have that" I would crave it, get mad at myself and then end up binging on that plus more , feeling guilt for eating junk , so to cover up those feelings I would eat more junk and round and round it would go and before I knew it the comfort eating had turned into unhealthy eating often. Where as If I said, "I will have some." Then I had it in moderation and still was able to stick to that healthy eating without the guilt I would attach to that action. So I said Yes to my little cravings!
I now no longer eat to try to lose weight, I eat for my health. As someone who suffers from anxiety I know the importance of how a healthy diet can aid my body, mind and soul. Because when we eat healthy, we feel healthy, we have energy, we boost endorphins, we boost our confidence, and we feel on top of the world unstoppable!
I also wanted to be a positive role model for my boys, I wanted to teach them about healthy foods and allow them to make healthy choices. I am really proud when my now 3 year old comes to me and says "Mummy I would like an apple please" , he doesn't say "can I have chips, can I have crackers" no its "Can I have fruit please?" Healthy eating for children aids their concentration in the classroom, its aids them to reach those developmental milestones in their lives. Don't get me wrong we do the occasional after school banana bread and babycino on the way home, but generally all in all we live a pretty healthy lifestyle. - 80-90% of the time! See there is an honest account of life hey!
The one thing I find really sad is that it is more expensive to eat healthy, than it is to eat junk food. If healthy choices were cheaper, there would be a lot more people opting for those healthy foods rather than heavily sugared and salted products. Lets face it , Sugar is a drug right, people are addicted to the stuff. I know - I admit I am shocking with fizzy drink ! I actually had to stop myself and go - no replace it with water!
When I do indulge however on my treat days - I am all about those grazing platters girls - they are my new obsession, I create them for all occasions! So be prepared for lots of grazing ideas coming your way!